Caason Group’s Aileron Pastoral Holdings (APH) and Aragorn Group have agreed to form a Joint Venture (JV) to develop a Centralian cattle feedlot site. Aragorn is a newly formed conglomerate made up of significant players in the Australia’s farming, livestock, dairy, meat processing and natural health supplement industries. Through a sister-company, Aragorn has access to Conways Station which is a cattle property located in the Northern Territory (NT). Conways Station is approximately 1250km north of Caason’s Aileron Station.
Craig Astill, MD and CEO of Caason, said: “The JV will increase revenue potential by optimising cattle weight and individual animal value while developing focus on both the domestic and South Asian markets. The partnership will see a significant investment into infrastructure with an initial 5000 head capacity upon construction.”
The feedlot will be designed to accommodate modular expansion to meet requirements such as stock handling yards, storage, water supply and waste water under a central management facility. Through this feedlot JV, Aragorn will achieve a more consistent volume of cattle and improved efficiency.