Aileron Pastoral Holdings
Aileron Pastoral Holdings Pty Ltd (APH) is a livestock cattle station and wholly owned subsidiary of Caason Group. Our five year goal is to increase the use of technology to set the productivity benchmark for the supply of premium beef in Central Australia.
Located on the traditional lands of the Anmatjere People, our historic homestead is 130km north of Alice Springs.
Aileron represents over 4080 square kilometres (1,000,000 acres) of prime beef country. We have over 8500 head of cattle managed by an experienced team.
Alongside traditional grazing, APH is a proud innovator – investing in continuous improvement programs to ensure profitability and sustainability of the land.
Since the purchase of the property in 2015, the station has undergone significant management and property improvement programs which have seen staff develop new transferrable skills and improvements in our herd. We have also achieved an increase of over 20% of available pasture and recognition as a supplier of quality beef for both national and international markets. The property achieved In-conversion Organic Certification (Cert. No. 19060) in 2019 with intention to establish APH as a preferred supplier of organic beef within five years.
Innovation is a major focus for APH. Looking forward, we will continue to invest in self-sustaining microbial based technologies for accelerated soil rehabilitation. APH is also developing plans to become a feedstock supplier. Both of these projects are in partnership with Food, Fibre & Land International (FFLI).
APH also plans to invest in an integrated livestock management and tracking system that will be highly relevant for the management of other vast properties. A major partner in this project is Ceres Tag; with APH facilitating trials of their livestock ear tags for GPS location and remote identification of each animal for provenance and health management.
APH is also looking to trial the growth of industrial hemp. Partnerships with FFLI, ECS Botanics and Hemp Farms Australia will support APH’s plans.
Ti Tree Food & Fodder
Ti Tree Food & Fodder (TTFF) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Caason Group which operates the $6.1m acquisition of the Oolloo farm located in the NT. The acquisition consolidates the Group’s ambition to be a powerhouse in agri-tech in the region.

Located adjacent to the Caason owned Aileron Cattle Station, Oolloo Farm sprawls across 1,047 hectares of rare freehold land in the NT with a 1,000 mega-litre water extraction license and six centre pivots which makes one of a handful of properties in the region to produce irrigated crops.
The strategic acquisition enables the Caason Group to support its operations at Aileron Cattle Station. The purchase will extend the Groups innovation, research and development activities in alternate cropping, soil conditioning and remediation.
Oolloo will further boost the Caason Groups ambitious plans to trial the growth of industrial hemp in a semi arid setting and progress with strategic relationships forged to trial development of new crops and soil management technologies.
Partnerships with Food,Fibre & Land International (FFLI), Trisil, Autonomous Pivot, Kiko and a raft of other ag-tech innovators will be fostered and nurtured to ensure that the Group’s passion for R&D focus will be significantly boosted as required by Aus-Industry stipulations.
Ceres Tag
Ceres Tag is one of the world’s most comprehensive animal monitoring platforms and has developed the world’s first direct to satellite animal information system. The Caason Group is an early stage investor / stakeholder of Ceres Tag and continues to support the company with their product development.

Trials of the world leading smart ear tags commenced during the second quarter of 2021 on the Caason Group’s Aileron Cattle Station.
The proprietary smart ear tag monitors for bi-security, health, welfare, performance and traceability provenance of the supply chain including theft detection, and is now sold in over 30 countries.
This ground-breaking technology requires no infrastructure, no maintenance, no subscription and no battery replacement
Food, Fibre & Land International
Food, Fibre & Land International (FFLI) is paving the way in Australia for the growth of industrial hemp for healthy food, building materials and personal care. Caason Group is a top five shareholder in FFLI and a strong supporter of its R&D and business development activities.

We partnered with FFLI in 2017 following its purchase of Carbon IQ Pty Ltd from us. Today, Carbon IQ operates under FFLI and provides carbon economy advisory services. Our connection also extends into FFLI’s microbial soil division and industrial hemp production company, Fibre and Herd Australasia Pty Ltd (FHA) which is supporting Caason on Aileron Station with our rangeland rehabilitation R&D efforts.
FFLI is the largest grower of industrial hemp in Western Australia.
Caason Group owned Aileron Cattle Station was one of the initial adopters of the Farmbot solar powered water pumps and remote monitoring systems.

On the Aileron cattle station, the Farmbot systems provide a practical and critical solution to ensure water levels in tanks across a vast area of rangeland are properly monitored for the safety of stock
Designed and built in Australia, Farmbot technology works anywhere with connectivity through satellite or cellular networks thereby eliminating the challenge faced in suvh remote properties as Aileron
Caason intends to engage new Farmbot products such as “Farmbot Xtend” to identify and receive early notice of events or abnormalities on water tanks
Hemp Farms Australia
Based in Queensland, Australia, Hemp Farms Australia (HFA) encompasses all aspects of an end to end integrated seed supply chain. HFA and Caason Group have entered a commercial agreement to support the development of the emerging hemp sector in Australia.

Since 2013 HFA has been specialising in the primary production of industrial cannabis. It provides Australian farmers with quality genetics, agronomical services and a secure end market. HFA offers farmers a turnkey solution for entering the hemp industry. HFA has exclusive access to seven out of 13 Plant Breeder Rights registered industrial cannabis cultivars. This includes 80% of the varieties suitable for Queensland and New South Wales. All cultivars held by HFA have varietal profiles detailing plant characteristics and growing specifications.
Trisil Group
Trisil Group produces an organic fertiliser and soil conditioner for the agribusiness sector. Their key ingredient is derived from its Diatomaceous Earth (“Diatomite”, or “DE”) mineral deposits in the Lampang region of Thailand.

DE is a naturally mined mineral composed of the skeletal remains of trillions of microscopic, unicellular plankton called diatoms. Trisil products are innovative and highly cost effective. They enhance crop resistance against disease and pest issues while also significantly increasing water retention and soil fertility.
Trisil historically operates in Asia and now Caason Group is Trisil’s exclusively licensed reseller in Australia.
Israeli start-up company Syrinjector Ltd is an inventor of a rapid livestock vaccination system. As global patent holders, Syrinjector’s system includes an application, a syringe gun and a cloud for “big-data” saving.

The system also includes software for monitoring, analysis and informed end-user decision making. Caason Group has partnered with the company and is due to receive a prototype Syrinjector gun allowing field trials for Aileron Pastoral Holdings to be explored.
BeeFree Agro
BeeFree Agro began on a cattle ranch in Galilee, Israel. While initially using drones for visual surveillance, these innovative farmers quickly discovered animals react to them. That’s how JOE, their drone herding assistant, was born. The system is set up with the parameters of operation, such as pastures, fences, gates, water troughs and natural boundaries. It is cost effective as it reduces manual labour and vehicle wear and tear. Their drones can move ~1000 head of cattle over vast expanses of land without human intervention.

BeeFree Agro is expanding internationally and Caason Group is supporting their commercialisation journey.
Autonomous Pivot
Autonomous Pivot has created an intelligent agronomist solution for optimising irrigation, fertigation and crop-protection for fields using irrigation-pivots. It accumulates field data via its proprietary AI engine to produce improved plans for the farmer via its app. The end results are maximum crop yields and reduced costs. Autonomous Pivot’s proprietary sensors detect moisture, nitrogen levels and crop-diseases. Additional sensors include a rain-gauge and GPS.

Based in Israel with global success, this Internet of Things (IoT) start-up’s commercial farming product is selling out after every country visit. Autonomous Pivot is also pursuing patent protection.